1. the act or state of fulfilling: to witness the fulfillment of a dream; to achieve fulfillment of one's hopes.
2. the state or quality of being fulfilled; completion; realization
Enough said.
Carl Greve Jewelry & Timepiece Collections has been a Portland institution since 1923. The people that work at Carl Greve are obsessed with diamonds, jewelry, timepieces or all the above. When you mix in the added benefit of being able to assist guests with making wishes come true, you will find a company full of inspired dream makers. Here you will find some of the things that make Carl Greve such a magical place to be.
Name: Verla Sousa
Occupation: Carl Greve Sales Associate, Downtown Portland
No. of years at Carl Greve: 22
Best Carl Greve moment: When I sold my first pair of 10 carat diamond stud earrings.
If you had to pick only one piece from your jewelry wardrobe, what would it be? (besides your wedding ring, of course): My black pearls for sure.