Carl Greve Style Profile- Verla Sousa

We know that many of you remember the article that we did about Verla Sousa in Accent magazine a few years ago. We figured we would feature Verla in our blog’s first style profile in honor of her 22nd year with Carl Greve. Yes, that’s right, we said 22 years!

Name: Verla Sousa

Occupation: Carl Greve Sales Associate, Downtown Portland

No. of years at Carl Greve: 22

Best Carl Greve moment: When I sold my first pair of 10 carat diamond stud earrings.

If you had to pick only one piece from your jewelry wardrobe, what would it be? (besides your wedding ring, of course): My black pearls for sure.

Your next must-have purchase: Hearts On Fire Hoopla triangle earrings. And I WILL have those by the end of the year!

Style icons: Katherine Hepburn

Best style advice: Always dress like a lady. Accentuate the feminine and downplay the trouble spots.

I never break this fashion rule: My shoes are always the same color or darker than my hemline.

Flats or heels: heels

Favorite restaurants: Portland City Grill

Favorite item of clothing: My signature white pantsuit

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